Placeholder Guy or the REAL Deal? (VIDEO)


Placeholder Guy or the REAL Deal? (VIDEO)                   

Are you feeling more comfortable being in a love relationship even though you know something isn’t quite right about it? Is it possible the guy you are dating is just a placeholder?

If you think this might be you or someone you know watch the video below and then continue reading..

Are you hanging onto a “placeholder” relationship because you think having someone is better than being alone? If this sounds like something that may be happening for you or someone you know please be sure to read this article and watch the short video below.

Dating someone for a while to see if there’s a fit is totally normal and a very reasonable thing to do. It’s when a relationship goes on past it’s expiration date that it becomes a problem for both people involved.

Here are a few signs you might be dating someone who’s just a placeholder for you. By the way, this doesn’t mean you are a bad person, with ill intent. You may not be aware of it on any conscious level until you really think about the following:

  1. The two of you have nothing in common. Yes, of course you might be having fun with each other here and there, but overall you’re left feeling unsatisfied by your time together.

  2. You might be fooled into thinking the relationship is good because the sex is really good. Great sex is not a solid foundation building block for a sustainable relationship without compatibility on other levels.

  3. OR are you tempted to cheat on him because the sex is so unfulfilling? Not a great start to a long-term relationship.

  4. There’s a lack of joy in being with him that you can’t quite put into words, but you know your heart does not beat a little faster when you see him.

  5. You are quick to point out his faults and you find his quirks annoying or even very annoying to the point he makes you want to get away from him.

Look, I know that no one is perfect AND I also know that the partner who is perfect for you is out there. The laws of the Universe say it is so. We are not given a deep desire for a love relationship that cannot be fulfilled. This may be hard to believe, but at least consider the idea. What do you have to lose?

Hanging out with the wrong person may cost you a real relationship that will complement your life in deep and soul satisfying ways. Check in with yourself and with your partner. Be willing to have an uncomfortable conversation. Maybe what’s wrong can be fixed or maybe not.

The two of you may lack substantial compatibility This is an important concept I wrote about in my book, The Art of Attracting Authentic Love (A Transformational Four-Step Process.).

If you didn’t watch the video you’ll want to scroll back up and do so. It’s only about 8 minutes long.

Until next time: Wishing for you all the best in love and in life!

Your biggest fan,

Gayla Wick

Denver Love Coach

If you’re tired of trying to figure out how to attract that perfect mate for you then take a minute to Contact me and we’ll schedule a complimentary “Get Unstuck” session where I’ll help you get clarity on what’s really blocking you from the love you want.

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