New Year's Resolution for LOVE? (VIDEO)


New Year's Resolution for LOVE? (VIDEO)

Happy New Year everyone!! Here we are again at the start of a new year and perhaps you’re wondering if this year is going to be any different? The good news: That will be up to you and the decisions you make. The challenging news: That will be up to you and the decisions you make.

It’s okay to be frustrated and uncertain when things are not as you’d hoped they’d be by now. The past few years have been quite challenging for most of us, but we’re still here so maybe it’s time to try something new - something that may be outside of our proverbial comfort zone.

If you are not in the love relationship you’d imagined then I encourage you to get really honest with yourself on what you may have done or not done last year that did not yield the results you wanted.

I did a new video for you to start the new year, however it looks like I’m taping in the fog. Yikes! Please forgive the visual quality - I’ll clean my camera lens better next time. AND I included the video I made last year as well later in this post - maybe I said said it better then. Enjoy!

You do have the power right now to make different choices. The new year is a great time to give up wishful thinking and decide to change those things that are really in your control.

Begin by having hope that this is your year. For me having hope requires a clear intention to hang onto it even in the face of evidence to the contrary. You’re still here on the planet if you’re reading this so let’s just “crack on” as the British say and try something new.

If you’re reading this and feeling like hope is all but gone for you to find your true love then please know I was once there myself. What did I do? I went on my own personal spiritual journey and sought guidance from sources that had what I desired.

You CAN have the love you’re seeking, but you may need to make a course correction and consider the following:

It takes courage to accept that you may be doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. (Einstein’s definition of insanity.)

It takes honest reflection to accept that you may need to make some changes.

It takes real grit to decide to reach out for coaching and open your mind to trying something new.

It takes only one act of brief courage to make a decision to put the past in the past and take one tiny step in the direction of your dreams.

I want you to have the love you want this year. Watch this short video (from last year) for a tip on how you can begin to change your results without leaving your home or doing anything too scary.

I meet really terrific single women all the time who just don’t know what’s going wrong. I can help. Share this post and video and buy a copy of my book. I’d love to give everyone who buys my book from AMAZON a free 60 minute Love Coaching session.

P.S. You can even gift the 60 minute session to someone else as long as you (the purchaser) writes the review.

Here’s the link to my Amazon page: The Art of Attracting Authentic Love.

Once you receive your copy, read a few chapters and then post your review. Here are the steps:

Here are the steps to claim your free love coaching session:

  1. Order The Art of Attracting Authentic Love from Amazon.

  2. When you're ready click on that same Amazon Page.

  3. Click on Reviews

  4. To the left of the reviews is a button - Write a Review

  5. Just write a few sentences about why you liked the book or any other comments you'd like to make

  6. Send an email to to let me know you're ready to schedule your session.

It's that simple. You'll be on your way to finding your new love and learning more about just how to keep that relationship going strong.

Happy New Year!

Gayla, Denver Love Coach


Gayla, aka the Denver Love Coach is a Love and Dating Coach for women, author speaker and creator of the It's All About You Love Coaching Program. She loves showing single women how to attract the love relationship of their dreams!