How to Get Started on Finding LOVE in 2021 (VIDEO)

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How to Get Started on Finding LOVE in 2021 (VIDEO)

I think everyone has days, even weeks or months that have taken all of our resources to keep mind, body and soul together. If you’ve felt this way you are not alone. This is some pretty challenging stuff we’ve all been through and are still going through and we are still here.

During this particularly crazy time I hope you are taking time to care for yourself. Self-care is so very important right now. Give the understanding and love you give for others to yourself. You’re worth it! You are here for a reason and you deserve love!

So if finding that elusive love relationship is your heart’s desire more now than ever then let’s work together to realize your dream. It is possible - I know that from my own personal experience and from the many women I’ve coached.

It’s easy to get confused with all the free advice from family and friends! I understand. Being lost and confused and disappointed by love is a serious life challenge. I’m here to help you and I have a plan - a specific plan laid out in my book and an even deeper plan in my Love Coaching Program.

Watch this short video to find out how you can get started on finding your love match in 2021.

Are you ready to stop guessing or trying things that have not worked?

We all need a roadmap for where we’re going - wouldn’t you like to know how to find love?

If this year is to be any different from the last one you really must be open to trying something new.

I encourage you to gift yourself with an opportunity to change your love life results.

Let’s work together to change the trajectory of your love life right now in 2021!

You can do just that for sure! Watch this short video for a tip on how you can begin to change your results without leaving your home or doing anything scary.

If you want to talk with me here’s how you can schedule a complimentary full 60 minute session:

I’m not scary - really. I will help you figure out exactly what’s been standing in your way to true love.

The good news is you can begin right now to have a different result in 2021!

To find out more watch this 3 minute video. Offer extended:

Do you know someone who’s struggling to find their love connection? Maybe they are attracting the wrong types of men for them or maybe they’re not dating at all.

I meet really terrific single women all the time who just don’t know what’s going wrong? I can help them. Share this post and video or buy them a copy of my book. I’d love to give everyone who buys my book this season from AMAZON a free 60 minute Love Coaching session.

P.S. You can even gift the 60 minute session to someone else as long as you (the purchaser) writes the review.

Here’s the link to my Amazon page: The Art of Attracting Authentic Love.

Once you receive your copy, read a few chapters and then post your review. Here are the steps:

Here are the steps to claim your free love coaching session:

  1. Order The Art of Attracting Authentic Love from Amazon.

  2. When you're ready click on that same Amazon Page.

  3. Click on Reviews

  4. To the left of the reviews is a button - Write a Review

  5. Just write a few sentences about why you liked the book or any other comments you'd like to make

  6. Send an email to to let me know you're ready to schedule your session.

It's that simple. You'll be on your way to finding your new love and learning more about just how to keep that relationship going strong.

Sending you much love,

Gayla, Denver Love Coach & Matchmaker


Gayla, aka the Denver Love Coach is a Love and Dating Coach for women, author speaker and creator of the It's All About You Love Coaching Program. She loves showing single women how to attract the love relationship of their dreams!